IRKA i mediji

Who need Cannabis, morphium is fantastic medicine! Dr Grujičić 20.12.2015

Last Sunday Serbian public, and specially parents and patients were shocked by Dr. Danica Grujicic’s glorifying of morphine as fantastic medicine, which taken in 4-5 injection doses will not make you addictive. In addition, she claimed that Cannabis is very dangerous and that it is not medicine at all.

But you should listen this doctor, professor and chairman of the Government Commission for legalizing Cannabis for medicine. From March till now they did nothing. Meanwhile, people with terminal diseases have been arrested just because they used to heal themselves with cannabis and decarboxylated extract of the flowers (RSO).

We need your help to spread the truth about hard violation of our basic human rights.
Serbia is the country with more public testimonies about healing with cannabis than any other country in Europe, and more public meetings, seminars and protests, than in any part of the world in this year. We opened cannabis social clubs in many cities as ill people for education centers, and made a large archive of translated medical studies and other documents that confirm the therapeutic effects of cannabis and cannabinoids, but no answer from those who decide on our destiny we’ve received ever since.

Thousands of people, mothers, children, our families depend now on ignorance and are in constant fear of being arrested during their therapy with cannabis. The cure that can help so many ill people in our country, with very bad social and health care. Serbia is the country with the highest percent of ones who died from cancer, and we have one of the worst diagnostic system for early cancer detection in the world.

In Serbia there are thousands of people illegally use cannabis and cannabis oil for healing cancer, MS, epilepsy, Crohn’s disease, diabetes, and other, with a lot of success.

Insert is from the movie ‘Cannabis between the pain and law’ , VICE Serbia production, 20.12.2015 (TV B92)

You can find all our testimonies and evidences on the web site of our humanitarian organization IRKA, as well on our YT channel:

Please HELP the patients to get legal cannabis in Serbia. There is a serious obstruction and violation of our basic human rights in our country.

Three days after this VICE movie premiere: Conversation on main public TV Chanel with dr. Danica Grujicic, neurosurgeon, professor and chairman of the Government Commission for legalizing Cannabis for medicine. 23.12.2015, RTS1: I switch on my brain constantly! dr. Danica Grujičić on Cannabis

IRKA team

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Sa sajta je dozvoljeno skidati članke samo u edukativne sfrhe i u sfrhe širenja istine o lekovitosti Kanabisa. Zabranjeno je naplaćivati ili unovčavati bilo koju informaciju.

From this site is allowed to download articles for educational purposes only and for the purpose of spreading the truth about the healing properties of cannabis. It is forbidden to charge or monetize any information.

Inicijativa za promenu zakonske reguletive Kanabisa (IRKA) u potpunosti podržava stavove autora.

The initiative to change the cannabis legislation (IRKA) fully supports the views of the author's.

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